Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Convention Reviews: Boston Comic Con

Boston Comic con what can i say about this event for Saturday & Sunday that it is a gathering of people who love comic's & sci-fi & this con has been going on since back in the 1970's thank's all to San Diego Comic Con , the fan's of Sci-fi has been growing bigger & bigger each year & has been going on for 43 year's. I have not heard of any issue's of the costume's from the staff yet , the staff was friendly & were helpful at time's , other time's they just stood around to make sure no people get hurt or no one was blacking the hall's , boston comic con is not only for fan's of comic's but for anime as well video game's , television series & movie fan's as well , there was no problem for photo shoot's for whovian's. (photo's later on that one) , & we did get to hear who the new doctor is during the gathering of the doctor who fanbase. the problem during the mid afternoon to evening was the air conditioning that when people gather up more in the building , the heat & body temperature rose up that people , stayed outside until some people left , there was a gaming room for people who like magic the gathering , (which was a major attention to everyone this year), there were a couple of panel's & one that Yaya Han was present to , the other panel's were fandom related & other's were on how & were it al started , the booth's & the walking area's had enough space for people to still walk around but other's time's people stood around just blocking the area , & no staffer to be found. Before Boston Comic Con can start the people who represent the con hosted a costume contest on Wednesday at 10 in the morning & did not end until 7:15pm. Well for the Boston Comic Con this is a good con for anyone who like's to get to know more of their personal fandom , or reconnect with anyone to see if they like similar character's or hate them , it's a great con , it does tend to get a bit tired some after walking around for some hour's if your looking for a item that you like , if you live around the Boston area I consider you to go , you will have fun just drink plenty of water , stay hydrated & don't forget to brink a snack with you so you can munch on something later on. The staffer's did a great job on the schedule everything followed into place & on perfect timing.

Time to rack up the point's on this Comic con con staff & security 9/10 Cosplay Variety 9/10 Convention Activity 7/10 Convention Panel's 10/10 Registration Line 8/10 Guest's 10/10 Convention uniqueness 7/10 Convention Layout 9/10 Convention friendly zone 9/10 Con Space Utilization 8/10

Total = 86 B+

also forgot to mention , Billy west was there (voice actor) of Doug Funnie , the red m&m , Heffer the cow from Rocko's modern life , doctor zoidberg , & Philip J. Fry - the movie star's who played kili & fili in the Hobbit movie were there as well , & so was HaruVamp.

Review By: Juan T.

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